Saturday, June 16, 2012

Last Day of Tee-Ball

Luca had an awesome time at tee ball. From beginning on the tee at the end hitting from a coach pitch he improved so much. We had so much fun watching him and cheering him on.

Last day of Pre K

Luca had his last day of pre school, such a bittersweet day for me. He grew so much in the two years he was at Gaarde Christian and I am so grateful we found a great school that enabled him to thrive so much. We were blessed with two wonderful teachers each year that really allowed him to be himself and become more confident in himself. Here is a collage of his first and last day of 3s and first and last day of 4s.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Luca's first T-ball game

Luca had his first game this weekend, luckily for us it was a gorgeous day and perfect baseball weather. Luca did great, got a little bored in the field but it was wonderful to watch him play and interact with the other kids on his team. Almost all of our family was there which meant a lot to Luca it was great.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter this year was a full day. Woke up and made it to church (kids lasted through most of it) then immediately drove to Lebanon for a wonderful lunch outside, then headed directly to Portland for dinner with the Bellenghis.

Gia is 3

Our Gigi is 3! I can't believe it. I can't get enough of this girl. For as much as we went through in our first year with her I can't believe how amazing she is. She is sweet, polite, and independent. She constantly amazes me with the things she says and does. For a girl who started walking at 8 months she is continuing the tread by being able to do somersaults already as well. I am eager to get her into gymnastics this month. She is a lover and looks up to her brother so much. Their friendship is so sweet and pure I can only hope that continues throughout their lives. She loves her baby dolls and to play house in her room with her kitchen. Her favorite foods are peanut butter sandwiches, avocados, and pirate booty. She is truly everything I hoped for in my daughter, strong willed, happy, and independent. I am so proud to be her mama.

We spent her actual birthday with a day of fun, lunch out, pottery painting, and frozen yogurt :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Luca's 5 and Gia's 3 year old pictures

Now that I am a working momma I feel I need to be more efficient in my life. That is why I decided to take both kids' yearly pictures at the same time, March. This is 2 months after Luca's birthday and 1 month before Gia's. This way it is only one trip out, we don't have to worry about the freezing weather during Luca's December birthday, and I only have to find one free day that it isn't raining. Here are this year's pictures :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Weekend at the Beach